Hi there!
I'm Maria, and I'm a Dallas wedding photographer. I have been shooting weddings since 2009 and absolutely love this path I've chosen. It definitely wasn't planned though! I majored in photography twenty years ago and like many twenty-something's, I detoured down a different career path. I spent fifteen years as a project manager in technology before my husband convinced me to pick up the camera again.
There are a lot of fields within photography, but the reason I choose to shoot weddings is because of the people. I love the relationships I get to form with clients and the people closest to them. Nothing makes me happier than showing up for a wedding and seeing a mom welcome me with a hug, or a bride who visibly relaxes once she sees I'm there. Photos might be my product, but I measure success on moments like this!

Now that you know a little bit about my background, here are some personal tidbits about myself...
- My favorite sound is laughter, especially when it comes from my husband. I'm so glad I married the funniest man I know and that our daily life is filled with deep belly laughs!
- I take horrible cell phone photos.
- I sometimes slip into a British accent even though I've never been to England.
- My favorite pasttime is to sleep in and curl up with the husband and doggies while watching cooking shows.
- I am obsessed with French food, both eating it and making it.
- I love to cook fancy meals and spend hours around the dining table with friends and family.
- I love to drive, especially at night. I open the sunroof, put the windows down, crank up the car stereo, and belt out made-up lyrics to songs I don't know!
I believe that life is about the simple moments... holding hands with a loved one, saying "I love you" as many times as possible each day, laughing so hard you cry, and pursuing happiness.